A new record of Pediaspis aceris Gmelin, 1790 (Cynipidae: Cynipinae: Pediaspidini) from Iran
Paper ID : 1265-3IICE (R1)
majid tavakoli *1, Samad Khaghaninia2, George Melika3, Graham Stone4, Asadollah Hosseini-Chegeni5
1Lorestan Agricultural & Natural Resources Research Center, Khorramabad, Iran
2University of Tabriz, Department of Plant Protection, Faculty of Agriculture, 51664, Tabriz, I.R.Iran
3Plant Health and Molecular Biology Laboratory, National Food Chain Safety Office, Directorate of Plant Protection, Soil Conservation and Agri-environment, Budaorsi str. 141-145, Budapest 1118, Hungary
4Institute of Evolutionary Biology, University of Edinburgh, King's Buildings, Edinburgh EH9 3FL, United Kingdom
5Iran-Lorestan-Khorramabad-University of Lorestan-Faculty of Agriculture-Department of Plant Protection
This study conducted on Cynipinae gallwasps in northern and central Zagros forests of Iran during 2015-17. The gall samples were collected from Acer monospessulanum (Aceraceae) at Qalayi rural district, Lorestan province located in western Iran. Then they were reared in laboratory conditions to emerge sexual generation adult cynipid wasp. The identified gallwasps specimens and its associated galls are retained in the collection plant galls of Natural Recourses Research Center, Lorestan, Iran. This species were identified according to taxonomical keys as Pediaspis aceris based on the following characters; Female: body length 2.2-3 mm, the body and its appendages regularly colored in brown chestnut, wing vein distinct in dark brown, head with smoothly cobbled pattern, with uniformly scattered white hairs, antenna with 14 segments more or less half the body length. Male: body length 2.3-2.8 mm, similar to female in appearance as usually the whole body is brighter, antenna with 15 segments more longer and thinner than the females, the galls are seen as oval, spherical and /or the irregular forms with sponged solid tissue in various diameter (6-10 mm), usually growing on underneath of leafs, asexual generations of this wasp have not yet been recorded from Iran since it’s very difficult to rear the gall and associated wasps in laboratory conditions. Often, wasps emerged from the galls are only the parasite wasps. This is the first report of Pediaspis aceris from Iran.
Cynipidae, Pediaspis aceris, Iran, Lorestan
Status : Paper Accepted (Poster Presentation)